What is voter ID validation?

Voter ID card is a document issued by the Election Commission of India. It is also known as the Elector’s Photo Identity Card. It is used as identity proof for Indian citizens to cast their votes in local, state, and national elections.

The process of extracting the details from the voter ID card and verifying the same against centralized government databases is called the voter ID validation process. This process can help in identity verification for name, address, and age verification.

Why is Voter ID Validation Important?

  • Scammers can create fake ID cards with altered information. Hence the voter card verification process is important to verify whether it is a valid voter ID card.
  • Voter ID is used as proof of identity for many processes. In such cases, fraudsters may use someone else’s voter ID number to impersonate or use fake voter ID cards and avail the services .
  • Voter ID can also be an essential document for address proof.
  • It is employed to prevent electoral fraud and enhance electoral roll accuracy.

How Does Voter ID Validation API Work?

Voter ID validation API has two components: Voter ID OCR and Voter ID verification

Voter ID OCR

Voter ID OCR API identifies and extracts text information from images or scans of voter IDs. This is done by employing advanced OCR algorithms. Here is how it works:

  • Capture an image of the voter ID
  • Pre-process to enhance the clarity of the image
  • Identify text regions and segment characters
  • Recognizing characters using visual features or machine learning
  • Extract the recognized text into a digital format

The extracted information usually includes the voter ID holder’s name, EPIC number, date of birth, and other relevant details.


Voter ID Verification

Voter ID card verification API is used to verify voter ID. The extracted EPIC number from the ID is given as input. Then the entire details of the customer are given as an output. This helps to verify the customer’s identity.

Voter ID validation API

Thus voter ID OCR API and voter verification API work together as voter ID validation API to verify the details of the voter ID. Here’s an overall view of how the voter ID validation API works:

1. Integration: Integrate the Voter ID OCR and Voter ID Validation API into your system or application using unique API keys provided by the service provider.

2. Data Input and Request: Provide the scanned image of the Voter ID card to the Voter ID OCR API. The Voter ID Verification API receives the extracted details as input.

3. OCR Processing: The Voter ID OCR utilizes advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to accurately extract text from the scanned image of the Voter ID cards.

4. Validation Query: The Voter ID Verification API queries authorized databases, such as voter registration databases maintained by election authorities. This helps in validating the extracted details against the voter ID records.

5. Validation Result: Based on the information obtained from the query, the Voter ID Verification API generates a validation result indicating the authenticity and validity of the voter ID details.

6. Response: The API sends back the validation result to the requesting system or application. This response can be in various formats such as JSON, XML, or plain text, depending on the API specifications.

This process ensures that voter ID details provided for verification are accurate and trustworthy. Thus it helps to maintain the integrity of identity verification processes.

Challenges with Existing Solutions

Certainly, here are the rephrased sentences:

1. Poorly trained OCR systems face challenges in recognizing multiple OVD templates

2. Reduced OCR accuracy hampers STP efficiency, thus requiring high reliance on manual review processes.

3. Errors may arise from manual input during form-filling, causing delays in the onboarding process

4. Complex onboarding procedures featuring numerous input fields lead to high dropout rates 

5. The complexity of verification processes poses challenges and frustration for customers, hindering the efficiency of the verification workflow.

6. Manual verification procedures contribute to extended Turnaround Time (TAT), impacting operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

HyperVerge’s Voter ID Verification API

Here’s how HyperVerge’s voter ID verification API makes the process easy:

1. Central Database Checks: Validate information accuracy with the help of government-endorsed databases.

2. Simple Onboarding Journeys: Streamline onboarding processes by requesting minimal consumer input to minimize friction.

3. Smart Auto-filling: Automatically fill user information from local databases to reduce manual data entry.

4. Reduced Manual Hours: Automate verification processes with multiple fallback options to decrease Turnaround Time (TAT).

5. Advanced OCR Technology: Utilize our best OCR engine for real-time detection of unclear documents, ensuring high accuracy rates.

6. Enhanced STP Rates: Achieve high Straight Through Processing (STP) rates with an OCR solution boasting 99.5% AI accuracy.

7. Document Analysis Capabilities: Detect irregularities such as cut corners, document liveness, and black and white documents in real time for enhanced reliability.

Build End-to-end Journeys with HyperVerge ONE

Does your onboarding procedure for financial products use several-point solutions? You can build seamless end-to-end journeys with HyperVerge ONE. Without ever writing a line of code, you can create intuitive UI/UX experiences and easily set up user onboarding procedures using our integration capabilities.

Worried about user drop-offs during downtimes? With the help of HyperVerge, you can configure automated fallback alternatives, giving your users a seamless experience irrespective of the circumstance. To improve user experience and increase success rates, you may also go further into conversion rate analytics and find and optimize friction points.

Explore HyperVerge ONE here. Want to see it in action? You can request a customized demo here.