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Challenges with Existing Solutions

  • Extended onboarding journeys with multiple input fields leading to high drop-off rates .
  • Verification attempts and complicated processes .
  • High Turnaround Time (TAT) due to manual verification .
API Challenges

What We Offer

  • Central Database Checks : Utilize government-endorsed databases for information accuracy verification.
  • Simple Onboarding Journeys : Simplify onboarding by requesting minimal input from consumers to reduce friction.
  • Smart Auto-filling : Automatically fill in user information from the local database.
  • Reduced manual hours: Reduce TAT by automating the verification process with multiple fallback options.
API Challenges

Input and Output

Voter ID Card Verification

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How does the HyperVerge's module simplify the verification process for Voter ID?

What input is required for Voter ID verification using the module?

What's the integration time for businesses to start Voter ID verification and streamline onboarding?