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Challenges with Existing Solutions

  • Downtimes leading to high drop-offs.
  • No fallback options in place.
  • Multiple steps leading to poor user experience.
API Challenges

What We Offer

  • Aadhaar OTP eSign: Users can digitally sign documents with Aadhaar-based e-signature by utilising their OTP and Aadhaar credentials.
  • Wet Signature Capture: By sharing a photo of their signature, users can execute a wet signature.
  • Signature Detection: This integration is used to detect if a signature is present in a document.
  • Signature Matching: In order to prevent fraud, this integration is used to compare user signatures with backend signatures.
API Challenges

Input and Output

Wet Signature Capture

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What is digital signature?

What is the importance of digital signature?

What is wet signature?