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Challenges with Existing Solutions

  • Low face match accuracy results in increased manual reviews, false rejection rates, false acceptance rates, & operational costs.
  • Authentication consumes significant time to match the selfie with millions of database entries, affecting the user experience.
  • AI with low accuracy struggles in diverse conditions, including lighting, angles, facial variations, and when masks or spectacles are present.
  • Solution encounters compatibility issues with low-end devices and limited bandwidth conditions, limiting its effectiveness.
API Challenges

What We Offer

  • Our models have been trained extensively on diverse facial variations and therefore produces highly accurate results regardless of race, age, and gender.
  • Our solution works well even with poor camera quality, low-end devices and excels in handling facial features, such as facial hair and spectacles, even in low-light conditions.
  • Authenticate in a blink – our solution verifies a selfie against millions of records in just 0.2 seconds, combining speed and accuracy seamlessly.
API Challenges

Input and Output

Face Authentication API

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Frequently asked  questions

Still have questions?Please chat with our friendly team.

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Does your face authentication solution work in low-light conditions or with poor camera quality?

Can your face authentication solution detect and handle facial hair, spectacles, and other variations?

What is face authentication, and how does it work?