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Challenges with Existing Solutions

  • Lack of automated fraud checks leads to slow processing, higher operational costs, and the potential for errors through manual reviews.
  • Systems may lack real-time capabilities to detect both physical and digital tampering, increasing risk of accepting tampered documents
  • Lack of efficient fraud detection can cause increased friction during the verification process, potentially leading to drop-offs and hindering the user experience.
  • Current solutions struggle to detect instances of photo-on-photo fraud, compromising the overall integrity of the ID verification process.
API Challenges

What We Offer

  • Comprehensive fraud detection with signature/thumbprint analysis, photo-on-photo verification, ongoing tampering monitoring, and screen capture/photo detection.
  • Streamlined verification through automation, reducing manual reviews, and providing a seamless, user-friendly experience.
  • Robust authentication for various ID documents to enhance the overall reliability of the verification process.
API Challenges

Input and Output

Adhar Card OCR

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How does the fraud detection module handle signature and thumbprint detection for PAN cards?

Is there a method to identify manipulated documents submitted during the identity verification process?

Can the system recognize digital tampering attempts on electronic documents?