10 Best KYC Software: Detailed List With Features, Price, Pros, and Cons

Are you seeking a reliable and efficient Know Your Customer (KYC) platform to automate KYC processes? Do you struggle with customer identity verification and want to avoid KYC and AML violation penalties? Customer identity verification helps avoid identity thefts and impersonations, which are a common challenge today. A Federal Trade Commission report states that over […]

Real-Time Fraud Detection – Everything You Need To Know

Traditional fraud methods cannot detect fraud when it occurs. As fraud continues to evolve, traditional detection methods, such as manual review processes and rule-based systems, are no longer effective and efficient, posing a significant challenge for businesses. As the rate of online transactions grows exponentially, fraud detection becomes more complex. Businesses need to manage Artificial […]

Top 10 KYC Providers for Streamlining Identity Verification in 2024

Are you facing problems with customer identity verification while meeting regulatory standards? Nowadays, compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements is important.  Therefore, choosing a reliable KYC provider is an effective solution you need. However, the challenging part is to find an efficient provider from the numerous options available in the market. Let’s help you […]

Top 10 Jumio Competitors and Alternatives for Your Business

The identity verification and KYC vendor landscape consists of several innovative players—Jumio is one of them. However, it is possible that Jumio may not be suitable for all your unique needs and use cases. Various other Jumio competitors in the market can better align with your identity verification goals in terms of accuracy & speed […]

Top 7 Fraud Trends — How to Prevent Them

Fraud poses significant risks to both businesses and customers, resulting in financial loss, diminished customer trust, reputational damage, and potential legal penalties. The solution lies in the implementation of robust fraud prevention strategies and staying informed about the latest fraud trends. This way, you can protect your business and maintain your customers’ trust. Also, if […]

Comprehensive Guide to CTR Banking: Currency Transaction Reporting in AML

CTRs (Currency Transaction Reports) are a leading facet of Anti-Money Laundering compliance and, therefore, become very important for the integrity of financial systems and in the fight against money laundering crimes. This exhaustive guide showcases the role played by CTRs in the banking and finance space, the elements therein, filing procedures, exceptions, and processes involved […]

Accelerating AI as a Solution Architect

I was walking into boardrooms of large companies and explaining the rationale of our APIs by day and going back to our developers to clear technical doubts by the evening.

The Original WFH Ninja

If you were to stand and ask, “Will the real WFH warrior please stand up?” Nivedita would.

How We Found Our Purpose

The most important aspect of achieving a goal is having clarity. Finding an answer to ‘Why are we doing this?’ can be a long, confusing and frustrating process.

How we raised a million dollars in seed funding — Part II

We had prepared tirelessly for this trip, reaching out to people, setting up meetings, creating a financial model for different scenarios, business cards, demo video, presentation and a lot of other things.

10 Best KYC Software: Detailed List With Features, Price, Pros, and Cons

10 Best KYC Software: Detailed List With Features, Price, Pros, and Cons

Are you seeking a reliable and efficient Know Your Customer...

23 min read
Real-Time Fraud Detection – Everything You Need To Know

Real-Time Fraud Detection – Everything You Need To Know

Traditional fraud methods cannot detect fraud when it occurs. As...

16 min read
Top 10 KYC Providers for Streamlining Identity Verification in 2024

Top 10 KYC Providers for Streamlining Identity Verification in 2024

Are you facing problems with customer identity verification while meeting...

24 min read
Top 10 Jumio Competitors and Alternatives for Your Business

Top 10 Jumio Competitors and Alternatives for Your Business

The identity verification and KYC vendor landscape consists of several...

18 min read
Top 7 Fraud Trends — How to Prevent Them

Top 7 Fraud Trends — How to Prevent Them

Fraud poses significant risks to both businesses and customers, resulting...

8 min read
Comprehensive Guide to CTR Banking: Currency Transaction Reporting in AML

Comprehensive Guide to CTR Banking: Currency Transaction Reporting in AML

CTRs (Currency Transaction Reports) are a leading facet of Anti-Money...

7 min read
Accelerating AI as a Solution Architect

Accelerating AI as a Solution Architect

I was walking into boardrooms of large companies and explaining...

6 min read
The Original WFH Ninja

The Original WFH Ninja

If you were to stand and ask, “Will the real...

6 min read
How We Found Our Purpose

How We Found Our Purpose

The most important aspect of achieving a goal is having...

10 min read
How we raised a million dollars in seed funding — Part II

How we raised a million dollars in seed funding — Part II

We had prepared tirelessly for this trip, reaching out to...

15 min read
How we raised a million dollars in seed funding — Part I

How we raised a million dollars in seed funding — Part I

Startup fundraising is a heavily discussed topic in the startup...

8 min read