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Challenges with Existing Solutions

  • Identity Risks: Businesses face heightened risks in entity identity verification due to the absence of reliable KYB solutions.
  • Financial Vulnerabilities: In the absence of proper KYB tools, businesses may incur financial losses from fraudulent entities.
  • Trust Erosion: Inadequate KYB measures erode customer trust, raising questions about transaction security.
  • Compliance Challenges: Insufficient entity verification solutions may lead to non-compliance with regulatory requirements in India.
API Challenges

What We Offer

  • Shop Front Detection: Enhancing Merchant Onboarding, our solution streamlines the process by verifying Business/Shop Category, Name, and Address using a single shop front image.
  • KYB Documents OCR: Our KYB Documents OCR accurately extracts information from image-based Shop and Establishment certificates, Udyam Certificates, GST certificates, and Certificates of Incorporation.
  • Company Data Through CIN/LLPIN: The Company and LLP Master Data solution authenticates and retrieves comprehensive data for CIN, LLPIN, FCRN, and FLLPIN issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
  • Udham Aadhaar Verification: Our Udyam Aadhaar Verification solution validates and retrieves detailed information for an organization, including name, address, activity, contact details, and relevant registration data.
API Challenges

Input and Output

GSTN Verification API

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How does the solution authenticate GSTINs?

Is the GST Authentication exclusive to a particular business size?

How does this solution contribute to verifying business details?