What is the RC Verification (Online) Process?

RC or vehicle registration certificate is a certificate issued by the Regional Transport Office (RTO), mandatory under the Motor Vehicle Act.

RC verification is the process of verifying the vehicle owner’s details and vehicle registration certificate from the VAHAN database.

When is RC Verification Needed?

RC verification is a crucial document for businesses offering digital lending and insurance. Having valid vehicle RC details is a prerequisite when purchasing vehicle insurance. RC verification can also be done as part of an identity verification and address verification workflow for businesses wanting to onboard users.

There are various other situations where you might need to verify the details of a vehicle’s registration. Here are a few examples:

  • Vehicle inspections
  • Used vehicle purchase
  • Accidental damages

How Does RC Verification API Work?

Let’s look at the step-by-step process of how the RC Verification API works:

  1. The API receives a request containing the Registration Certificate number or other identifying details of the vehicle.
  2. The API connects to the central database managed by the Government of India authority, such as VAHAN.
  3. Upon successful connection, the API fetches the requested data from the database.
  4. The retrieved information is then formatted and transmitted back to the requesting application or service.

The output from the RC verification API typically includes:

Vehicle details

The following vehicle details are included in the output:

  • Vehicle Number
  • Chassis Number
  • PUC Number
  • Insurance Company
  • Insurance Policy Number
  • Insurance Expiry Date
  • Vehicle Category
  • Color
  • Manufacturing Date
  • Category Description
  • Engine Number
  • Maker description
  • Maker Model
  • Body Type
  • Fuel Type
  • Cubic Capacity of the Engine
  • Gross Weight
  • Number of Cylinders
  • Seating Capacity
  • Unladen Weight

Vehicle registration details

The following vehicle registration details are included in the output:

  • Vehicle registration number
  • Issue Date
  • Expiry Date
  • Registered at

Vehicle owner details

The following vehicle owner details are included in the output:

  • Owner Name
  • Father Name
  • Present Address
  • Permanent Address

Challenges with RC Verification

Accessing accurate and up-to-date vehicle registration data is challenging. Businesses also need to be careful about document forgery as instances of counterfeit documents and fraudulent documents increase.

Moreover, there are various RC formats and regional languages across different states and regions in India, which adds to the complexity of the verification process.

challenges with rc verification online

Handling sensitive data raises concerns about privacy and security compliance, necessitating robust authentication mechanisms and fraud detection algorithms to mitigate risks effectively.

Compliance with regulatory requirements, including data protection laws and industry standards, is also very critical.

RC verification process, as a part of the overall identity verification process, is a long process with several points of friction. Manual verification and complex workflows contribute to customer drop-offs — eventually leading to a low straight through processing (STP) rate for your business.

HyperVerge’s RC Verification via VAHAN API

Here’s how HyperVerge’s RC verification API works to check vehicle owner details and verify the authenticity of information related to vehicle registration certificates:

HyperVerge RC Verification Vahan API

1. Central Database Checks: The API leverages central databases recognized by the Indian government to verify the authenticity of the information provided by users, such as the parivahan portal.

2. Simple Onboarding Journeys: To reduce friction during the onboarding process, the API requests minimal and easy inputs from users. This simplifies the user experience, making it more convenient for individuals to provide the necessary information required for verification.

Prevent user drop off while onboarding

3. Smart Auto-filling: The API utilizes data stored in local databases to fetch all relevant information associated with the user, such as personal details and vehicle information. This data is then automatically populated into the verification process, eliminating the need for users to manually input the information again.

4. Reduced Manual Hours: The process is automated with various fallback options built-in. This ensures that users don’t drop off when one of the workflows fails. This also reduces the Turnaround Time (TAT), making the verification process faster and more efficient.

Smart retries to prevent customer drop-off

End-to-end No-code with HyperVerge ONE

Is your financial product onboarding process stitched together with several point solutions? With HyperVerge ONE you can build seamless end-to-end journeys. With our integration capabilities, you can effortlessly configure user onboarding workflows and craft intuitive UI/UX experiences without ever touching a line of code.

Worried about user drop-offs during downtimes? HyperVerge allows you to set up automated fallback options, ensuring a smooth journey for your users regardless of the circumstances. You can also dive deep into analytics on conversion rates, identifying and optimizing friction points to enhance user experience and drive higher success rates.

Explore HyperVerge ONE here. Want to see it in action? You can request a customized demo here.


1. What is a Registration Certificate (RC)?

A Registration Certificate (RC) is an official document issued by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) in India, confirming that a motor vehicle has been registered with the authorities. It contains vital information about the vehicle, including its ownership details, vehicle class, insurance information, and more.

2. How to find vehicle owner details to verify RC manually?

To do this manually, you can check vehicle registration details and find the owner information by visiting the Parivahan website,navigating to the “Vahan”, and following the steps mentioned below:

1. Enter the vehicle’s registration number.

2. Complete the CAPTCHA code verification.

3. Click on the “Search” or “Submit” button.

4. You’ll be directed to a new page where you can view all the details associated with the vehicle’s RC, including owner information, vehicle class, insurance details, and more.

5. Once completed, you can view the RC details, including the validity period, fitness certificate status, and other relevant information.